Mission of Texas RxP
Texas should be a leader in mental health and join with both the United States Military and our neighboring states who have already expanded access to high-quality psychiatric care by granting prescriptive privileges to specially-trained Psychologists. After spending 8-10 years receiving their doctoral degree, RxP Psychologists spend 3 additional years training and practicing under supervision. Prescribing psychologists always maintain communication with the patient's primary care provider, leading to an increase in overall collaborative care.
The Numbers Matter
Years it takes to earn the Doctoral Degree in Clinical or Counseling Psychology and become licensed: 9-12
Additional years it takes to earn the advanced Master's Degree in Clinical Psychopharmacology: 2-3
Hours we prescribe under the direct supervision of a licensed prescriber: More Than 2,500
Number of Years Psychologists have safely prescribed in the United States Military: More Than 30
By the Numbers: The Staggering Truth in Texas:
3 Million
with NO access
with NO access
with Shortage
by Passing RxP
We need to be able to help.
A Division of: